Denzel Washington Calls Out The Media For Their "BS" Reporting
Denzel Washington Calls Out The Media with Their "BS" Reporting

Editor Larry Blac
BHR HollyWood Reports........Academy Award winning actor Denzel Washington put the media on blast for their hypocrisy at the premiere of his new film, "Fences." 
Denzel tells the media that the media are good at a lot of things “including BS.”
Denzel Washington

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed, Washington began, adding, "Just say it, sell it. Anything you practice you'll get good at — including BS."

Recent a news report came out before the election that Denzel was changing his vote from Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to GOP Rep Donald Trump and that toke a turn for the Actor/Producer Denzel Washington why he feels the way he does about the todays media and "FAKE NEWS".......
Washington’s comments on the media is that he was giving his two cents to the very people he was calling out for their hypocrisy.
“So what a responsibility you all have — to tell the truth,” Washington told reporters on the red carpet.
So far it looks as if the media are not living up to that responsibility.


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