Raven Symone Shades Black People With Exotic Names

Raven Symone Shades Black People With Exotic Names 
BHR Hollywood Reports........Various studies have found black people experience negative treatment based not only on the color of their skin, but even their names.

Those findings got an unexpected endorsement this week from a black celebrity with, as one columnist put it, "quite possibly the single blackest name in pop culture today."

During a conversation addressing a new study released in the Journal of Evolution and Human Behavior, the outspoken celeb admitted that she would definitely not consider any "ghetto" names if she were an employer looking to hire.

The View Cast Members 
"Just to bring it back, can we take back ‘racist' and say ‘discriminatory,' because I think that's a better word," she said during the show. "And I am very discriminatory against words like the ones that they were saying in the video.

I'm not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It's just not going to happen. I'm not going to hire you."

After receiving opposing responses from her fellow co-hosts, Raven asked, "Is that mean?"
The conversation continued on Twitter, with a number of viewers and media personalities slamming the 29-year-old for her comment.


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