The Kings Of Comedian & Radio Host D.L. Hughley was straight Talk on The View about his remarks on Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner He says he has no regrets

The Kings Of Comedian  & Radio Host D.L. Hughley was straight Talk on The View about his remarks on Caitlyn Jenner 
BHR HollyWood Reports..........The Talented Kings Of Comedian and Radio Host D.L. Hughley was ask about his remarks on Bruce Jenner "Caitlyn"  he says he has no regrets about his comments just keeping it real.....and he quote “I was not attacking transgender people, at all.” He went on to say, “Let me tell you something, when I see Serena I want to have sex with her,” the comedian bluntly stated. “When I see Caitlyn Jenner, I hope we don’t get into a fight.”  He also went on to say ,”Laverne Cox
In D.L. Voice "Well Dam"
In D.L.Voice "I'll Thair That Ass Up"
from Orange Is The New Black, she went all out, she’s beautiful, she got the premium package.” After this statement the audience went wild while the co-hosts were in shock but also amused with Hughley’s opinion.

When Michelle Collins asked Hughley if he had any regrets about his statement, the comedian responded with “There’s a truth we all know and pretend like we don’t,” he said. “I was not attacking transgender people at all, my assessment was about a person … He’s 65 years old, he made a change he wanted to make. The average American male lives to be 72” Collins interrupted and said, “It’s ‘she,’ you have to say ‘she’ now, I’m helping.”

Hughley seemed irritated after he was corrected and continued his statement with , “Caitlyn made that change at 65. Some people think that’s brave. I think something with seven years of life left is a bucket list. There’s a certain amount of bravery to it, but don’t tell me I’m assaulting you because I don’t see the world the way you do.” “I can see the world the way I do and not the way you see it, but no one has the right to bully you into seeing the way you want to see it.”

You can call in to his show at 877-242-2426!

The Kings Of Comedian  & Radio Host D.L. Hughley was straight Talk on The View about his remarks on Caitlyn Jenner He says he has no regrets.....


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